By knowing the main noise sources and the associated acoustic power indicated on the technical notices of the machines, we were able to create a CadnaA model able to estimate the far field noise radiation.
The software is based on the general theory of noise propagation from point sources including the effects of reflection, screening and acoustic absorption (geometric and atmospheric). It takes into account all sources, obstacles, dimensions, diffraction sources, materials, and acoustic properties to calculate ray tracing from each source to the receiver points.
The study allowed to:
- estimate the sound levels generated by the site equipment
- provide a map of the operators’ exposure to noise
- define areas where the individual hearing protective device (IHPD) are necessary
- identify so-called hot spots (most noisy sources)
- provide the regulatory authorities with the noise levels that will be generated in the site environment
CadnaA software covers a wide range of applications: acoustic impact of industrial equipment, buildings, factories, wind farms, etc.